Why you must include eggs in your dog’s diet

Why you must include eggs in your dog’s diet

When it is the question of feeding your dog eggs, not many people consider raw eggs. In fact, a lot of people believe that feeding your dog raw eggs is dangerous and, as a pet parent, a careless thing to do. Yes, there are countless myths and misconceptions surrounding raw feeding and it seems like the poor little egg is the first victim in this list of dangerous foods for dogs. Strong naysayers of eggs say that this food is too high in cholesterol for dogs, that it carries with it the risk of salmonella and that it can cause a biotin deficiency.

Are these fears real?

Relax; all these fears are completely unfounded. If anything, you should consider adding eggs to your dog’s diet. Not only are eggs a cheap and safe source of raw food for your dog, but they are also among the most complete and nutritious meals you can choose for your furry companion.

Here are 6 amazing reasons you should give your dog eggs to eat:

#1 Eggs are a complete food source We cannot stress that any more. Eggs are an important source of nutrition because they contain all the nutrients necessary for a new chick to grow. Giving your dog an egg means feeding him amino acids, the building blocks of protein. eggs#2 Eggs are a good source of: Besides the amino acids mentioned above, eggs also contain a whole platter of nutrients that include:
  • Vitamin A
  • Riboflavin
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B12
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Fatty Acids
#3 Egg whites contain enzyme inhibitors Many well-meaning people warn pet owners off eggs because egg whites contain enzyme inhibitors. These are believed to interfere with digestion, especially in young pups and older dogs. Yes, this is true. However, this does not mean that you do away with eggs entirely. Instead, you must ensure eggs do not form the main part of your dog’s diet. Having said that, please feel free to feed several eggs a week to your dog. If there is no evidence of a digestive upset, then your pet is taking to eggs well and it can easily be a regular part of his diet. Some people believe cooking the egg white could solve this problem, but do note, most nutrition would be lost, so it is best to feed it raw. eggs for dogs#4 Egg whites cause Biotin deficiency Another factor that works against raw eggs is the fact that egg whites contain avidin, a Biotin inhibitor. Biotin is a vitamin-B and is important for cellular growth, fatty acid metabolism, and for improving the health of the skin and coat. Take heart, biotin deficiencies are in fact quite rare, and it would take a very large amount of eggs to create such a deficiency. And nature has an answer to your worries. Egg yolks are very high in biotin; so as long as are you feeding the entire egg, there is nothing to worry about. You can also include other sources of biotin in the diet, such as the liver. Cooking can help reduce the risk of a biotin deficiency, but it will reduce the overall nutritional value of the egg. When you feed your dog raw eggs on a regular basis, just ensure you feed the whole egg, and not just the white. #5 Eggs contain salmonella Yes, raw eggs may contain salmonella, but a dog’s digestive system is robust and can easily take care of itself against bacteria in raw foods. Do try and choose eggs from organic, free-range chickens where you can determine the health of the hen.

#6 Feed the shells too

Don’t forget eggs shells. The shells are a rich source of calcium and perfect for dogs which don’t enjoy eating bones or elderly dogs which have difficulty eating them. Dry the shells out in the sum and then simply grind them in a clean coffee grinder. Sprinkle this powder over your dog’s food. Once again we stress about getting eggs from a local organic farmer as many commercially sold eggs are sprayed with a chemical to make them look shiny. Conclusion The consensus is out; feeding raw eggs to your dog is a great thing. Eggs are cheap, easily obtained and offer an excellent source of nutrition for your dog. The benefits far outweigh the risks. Feed raw eggs, and feed them whole, you will be rewarded with a healthier and happier dog. Besides eggs, what other raw foods should your dog beget in his diet?

Have you given thought to BARF – Basic Ancestral Raw Food?

The best way to help your dog’s immune system in good shape is to feed your dog a balanced, species-appropriate food. And the best option is raw. A part of the wolf family (yes, even your sweet Lab or lap-sized Apso), your dog needs and will thrive only on a raw diet. Raw food is a natural food and it contains the exact mix of all the nutrients and goodness that a dog would get if it were a wild creature. More importantly, it doesn’t have any of low-quality protein that is not good for your dog. You can make your own raw food in the right proportion, or you can buy commercially prepared raw food for your diet. Whatever you do, eliminate or limit the amount of bad protein from your dog’s diet. And watch your furry companion turn into a happy, healthy dog.