Why do Raw-Fed dogs poop less?
Raw fed dogs and dog poop?
If you have a dog, chances are you have thought about dog poop, discussed it with other dog parents and have even worried about it.
What is it about pet parents that makes them discard acceptable social behaviors and engage in long conversations about poop? After all, it’s just a smelly, obnoxious bit of having a furry family member. This is precisely why we’ve decided to bring up the subject.
Let’s talk dog poop!
Dog poop is a serious issue and at BARF India, we take it quite seriously ourselves. It would seem to be inconsequential for someone who has always fed kibble to their dog. You know there is going to be copious amounts of poop to pick up (and you must always pick up after your dog when walking them in a public space), and you never really know how much and what kind of poop to expect. It’s all part of having a dog, and the various tidbits you feed him along with the kibble and the table scraps make up what gets expelled via poop. It is all the additives and fillers in commercially made dog food that passes straight through your dog’s system without being used, and that is what causes the various colours and smells associated with your dog’s poop.
Did you know that dogs fed a raw diet have smaller, less smelly and more well-formed poop? While your dog couldn’t really care, believe us, the joy (there is no other word) of having to clean up dry, solid and less smelly poop is only truly appreciated by the parent of a raw fed dog.
Advantages of a raw diet, one poop at a time
Like we’ve mentioned earlier, possibly the biggest benefit of feeding your dog a raw diet is a smaller, firmer and less smelly poop. Some dog parents with raw fed dogs have also observed their dog's poop less often. This is what I was waiting for eagerly when I first made the transition to raw food for my dog.
The poop is also dry and crumbles in some time, causing it to blow away in the wind if you forget to pick it up. But this is only if you have your own garden. If you’re walking your dog outside, please pick up the poop and discard it where no one will see it or accidentally step into it.
Why do raw fed dogs have smaller poop?
When you feed your dog kibble, you are effectively piling his bowl with fillers and other ingredients that he can’t process. These pass out untouched through the dog’s digestive tract. The result is a pile of smelly, sticky and messy poop.
A raw diet, on the other hand, is just right for your furry friend. This is a dog’s natural diet, and his digestive system absorbs all possible nutrients from the raw food in such a way that nothing goes to waste. Every bit of the meal has a significant benefit to the dog’s system - the digestion, his energy levels, his coat, and even his teeth. Raw food gets used to its maximum and only the bare minimum is expelled. It stands to reason that when less crap (pun intended) goes in, less crap comes out. Moreover, with a raw diet, the body also releases more enzymes that help digest the food better, which also helps in generating smaller, well-formed and less smelly poop.
Since most of the raw food is used by the body, dogs on a raw diet could also poop less often than dogs on a kibble diet.
Could raw food cause constipation?
Don’t worry if your dog’s poop pattern changes after switching to raw. If you notice him going less often or straining slightly when doing his business. It is perfectly fine. In fact, straining a little to pass harder stool is good as it also helps a dog express his anal glands in a normal fashion. This can reduce the chances of impacted anal glands which can cause infections. However, if your dog is straining a lot and producing only small amounts of poop or nothing at all, he could be constipated and you need to get him checked by your veterinarian.
Hard stools are usually a result of excess bones in the diet. Increase the quantity of organ meat or even add a tablespoon of plain, mashed pumpkin, or fish oil, or extra virgin coconut oil to each meal. Also, make sure your dog has access to fresh drinking water at all times and is exercised regularly.
Soft, stinky, un-pickable poop is a thing of the past when you shift your dog from a kibble diet to raw fed meals. Make the transition at the earliest. Not only will your dog enjoy a better meal, but you will also have a lifetime of conveniences.