Are dogs natural fruit eaters?

Are dogs natural fruit eaters?

Yes, eating fruits is considered healthy, but is that true of dogs too? Many owners do feed their dogs a variety of meals, fruits included. How good is that? It’s actually a vast topic and while many fruits are not harmful, they must be fed in moderation. That is mainly because, unlike us, a dog doesn’t require to eat fruits and vegetables. Come, let’s take a walk down the orchard to figure out whether your furry friend can eat fruits or not. Pumpkin for dogs

Health benefits of fruits

Fruits do contain some amounts of nutrients, but they are mainly water and sugar; not the ideal menu for a carnivore. Whatever you do, do not deviate too far from a high-protein, meat-based diet. Those give your dog strength and energy. Feeding too much fruit can also alter the pH levels in your dog’s stomach leading to further complications of the stomach or digestive tract. Fruits, in some cases, can give some protection against degenerative diseases as they are a good source of certain nutrients. Fruits also give your dog some fiber, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants. But that does not mean that you switch your dog to an all-fruit diet. The lack of protein is such a terrible idea. Fruits also contain vitamin A and C. These vitamins can help fight off sickness and boost energy levels. However, fruit isn’t the only source of these nutrients, and there are better, more suitable foods for this. If you are feeding your dog fruits to make him lose weight, taking him outdoor for some run and exercise will be a much better idea.

fruits for dogsWhat kind of fruits can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat raspberries, bananas, watermelon, papaya, pears, mangoes, apricots, peaches and even strawberries. Keep him away from citrus fruits though as the dog’s body is not capable of breaking down the acids found in those fruits. Grapes and raisins are a strict no. These are potentially toxic and can cause renal failure, among other complications. Apples and peaches are a good source of beta-carotene and pectin. Remember, whatever you do, keep the seeds and core of most fruits away from your canine companion. Those are toxic too. Yes, fruits are a small part of your dog’s natural diet, but make sure you do not overdo it. Fruits should not be more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet. Used sparingly, fruits can be a low-calorie, sweet and relatively cheaper snack food.

BARF IndiaWhile on the subject of species-appropriate food, have you considered BARF?

Benefits of BARF – Basic Ancestral Raw Food If you are already feeding your dog a raw diet, great! If not, read on to know how your furry friend can benefit from a species-appropriate raw diet. The best way to help your dog’s overall health and nutrition is to feed it a balanced, species-appropriate food. And the best option is raw. A part of the wolf family (yes, even your sweet Lab or lap-sized Apso), your dog needs and will thrive only on a raw diet. Raw food is a natural food and it contains the exact mix of all the nutrients and goodness that a dog would get if it were a wild creature. More importantly, it doesn’t have any of low-quality protein that is not good for your dog. You can make your own raw food in the right proportion, or you can buy commercially prepared raw food for your diet. Whatever you do, limit the number of fruits from your dog’s diet. And watch your furry companion thrive.