How does a raw diet affect dog poop?
How does raw diet affect dog poop?
Dog poop is a serious issue, and at BARF, we take it very seriously. Which is why when quite a few of our newer customers called us to express their concerns over their dog’s poop, we decided to put all their fears to rest. In this article we have covered the types of poop, things out watch out for and some simple home remedies to course correct your furball’s digestive system if it shows signs of distress. Read to jump in? Here we go. Raw food advantages, one poop at a time One of the biggest benefits of feeding your dog raw is the resultant smaller, less smelly poop. In some cases, raw fed dogs have also been known to poop less.When I started my dog on raw, that was the first thing I was looking forward to, and believe me, it is wonderful. The poop from a raw food diet is usually small, firm and light that is easily passed by the dog.This poop also dried up, turns white and blows away in a day or so if you forget to pick it up. (This is only if your dog poops in your own garden. If you’re walking your dog outside, be a responsible pet parent and pick up your dog’s poop and discard it where no one will see or accidentally step into it.) Say goodbye to piles of soft, stinky, un-pickable poop from dry kibble; with raw, a life of conveniences awaits. However, like I mentioned earlier in the article, there are questions that need answering. Many pet parents aren’t aware of the drastic change in poop and out of their own unawareness go back to the more familiar territory of kibble. Let’s read on to know what some of the more common questions are.Do raw fed dogs have smaller poop?
Depends.Most dogs’ poop does go smaller on a raw fed diet.This is because unlike a kibble diet, where the dog’s system doesn’t process most ingredients, a raw diet is just right for your fur baby. The dog’s digestive system absorbs all that it can from the raw food and expels only the bare minimum. Raw food encourages more enzyme secretions that can digest the food better.Do raw fed dogs have less smelly poop?
Yes!And that’s such a blessing. Within a few weeks of transitioning your dogs from kibble to raw you will notice the dog poop doesn’t smell as much. It does smell of course, it doesn’t raise such a stink that you almost gag.Do raw fed dogs poop less often?
Dogs on a raw diet have been shown to need to go less often. But this isn’t necessarily true. Some dogs who are in a garden all day might poop less. Others are known to get more bowel movement when on their walk and poop more than once also during one walk. However, since the quantity is often smaller and because it’s dry and firm, you won’t mind bending and picking it up if your dog poop as often as earlier.Can a raw food diet lead to constipation?
Some owners believe that their dog seems constipated since they moved him to a raw diet. This is because the dog might occasionally strain slightly when passing firmer stool. This is totally fine. In fact, it is even good since harder stools help your dog express his anal glands, which reduces the likelihood of impacted anal glands and infection. If the poop is indeed too firm and if the dog is able to produce only a small amount after straining for long, he could really be constipated. If the dog strains a lot and cannot produce anything, then your dog is constipated which is more serious and needs to be checked by your veterinarian. Harder stools are usually a result of excess bones. Add more organ meat to their diet and you will see a difference.Even a tablespoon of plain, mashed pumpkin or extra virgin coconut oil or fish oil works. Also, make sure your dog always has fresh water to drink, is exercised regularly, has a quiet place to ‘do his business’, and try and ensure your dog doesn’t ‘wolf’ down his food.
Can a dog on raw food get diarrhea?
Some dogs can have loose stools when they are transitioning from kibble to raw. Their intestines are accustomed to the really hard and dry food. They also drink a lot of water when on a kibble diet. When they don’t need to drink as much water, their stool can be soft for a few days. Also, a soft stool is the doggy’s way of clearing its system of the accumulated toxins. Remember, one liquid poop does not mean your dog has diarrhea.A one-time mushy or gelatinous poop is also not to be taken seriously. It is a cleansing process, that’s all.Finally…
Understandably raw feeding is a big step and can be a little scary for some. Many raw feeding groups warn new raw feeding parents of major digestive upsets and ‘cannon butts’ during the transition phase. Each dog has its own way of dealing with the diet change. Some transition smoothly; some have a little stomach trouble. The point is to keep an eye and not panic. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of feeding raw is that a raw diet actually gives the dog a healthy gut that can take on an occasional food theft quite stoically. Finally, your dog poop will also vary as per the variety of foods you offer him. Poop colour will vary as per the input. Raw fed dog poop can be anywhere from white, to grey, to tan, to brown to blackish even. As long as the dog has control over his bowel movement, doesn’t have liquidy stools over a long period and there is no blood in the stool, everything in normal. And they can be liquid, mushy, soft, firm or hard, just like humans is. Are you already convinced about raw food and the benefits of a species-appropriate diet? Here is a snapshot of it.