My dog has Pancreatitis - Can raw diet help?
Pancreatitis is a more common disease than you would believe it to be. If you believe your dog suffers from pancreatitis or has been detected with the illness, do not worry. This article aims to shed light on the illness and also show you ways to manage it better.
Understanding and detecting Pancreatitis
Like we’ve mentioned earlier, pancreatitis affects an innumerable number of dogs and cats every year. While a diet, a wrong one mostly, plays a large role in the onset and thereafter the growth, of the illness there are, in fact, several factors that can cause pancreatitis.
More common causes of pancreatitis in pets include:
- Wrong diet – high-fat content, access to trash, too many cooked and processed human tit-bits, etc.
Obesity (often because of the wrong diet).
- Toxicity and other drugs, especially steroids.
- Abdominal trauma.
- High calcium levels in the blood.
Also, some breeds are more prone to pancreatitis, such as the Schnauzer, Cocker-Spaniel, Yorkie, etc. And, more females than males are known to suffer from inflammation of the pancreas.
How do you recognize whether your dog has pancreatitis? Watch out for these symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Fever
- Weight loss (more common in cats)
- Hunched back
- Dehydration
- Lethargy
- Mild to moderate abdominal pain
Do not ignore any of these symptoms. Pancreatitis, if untreated, can be life-threatening, especially if it is a severe acute attack.
Why did my dog get Pancreatitis?
Let’s start by understanding the role of the pancreas.
The pancreas’ job is to produce specific enzymes that aid in digestion. When there is too much pressure on the organ and it is unable to do its job properly, it gets inflamed. Digestive enzymes start to get active in the pancreas itself instead of the small intestine. This results in pain and swelling, and pancreatitis.
There are two types of pancreatitis – acute and chronic. Acute pancreatitis occurs suddenly, with no prior indication. Chronic pancreatitis occurs over a long period.
The reason behind most pancreatic attacks is today’s kibble-based diet. These are high carbohydrate-based diets that put a lot of stress on your pet’s insulin levels, which affects the pancreas. Moreover, most of these packaged diets are processed and do not contain any natural enzymes. The onus is therefore on the pancreas to produce more enzymes, leading to them remain in a permanent state of inflammation.

Treating Pancreatitis
If you suspect your dog is suffering from pancreatitis, rush him to the vet. Treatment will usually include rehydration through intravenous or subcutaneous fluids, depending on how severely your dog has been affected. Some vets might prescribe anti-nausea or anti-diarrheal medications to bring the situation under control.
The best gift that you can give your dog (after the crisis has passed) is to feed it a diet that is a rich source of enzymes. Ideally, switch your dog to a
natural, species-appropriate, balanced diet of raw food.

If your dog has ever suffered from pancreatitis, you know how terrible it can get. Most animals require hospitalization, and it can be scary and heart-breaking to watch your pet suffer.
Unfortunately, treatment isn’t the answer alone. Pancreatitis can reoccur and it often does. Each recurrence of the illness will cost you money and worsen your dog’s health.
What is the solution then?
This is why feeding a raw diet is ideal for dogs with pancreatitis
When you feed your dog a raw diet, you help to keep her immune system balanced and running lick clockwork. Your dog gets all the required essential fatty acids and other nutrients that prevent or reduce the occurrence of inflammatory conditions, like pancreatitis.
We cannot stress enough about staying away from kibble, which is nothing but a low-quality protein that is tough on your dog’s stomach and organs, leading to digestive issues.
Your dog’s raw diet can include, among others:
- White meat chicken
- Lean, low-fat ground beef
- Beef Heart
- Buffalo Kidney
- Beef Liver
- Vegetables

Transitioning your dog with pancreatitis to raw can be done easily. Consult with your vet or nutritionist to understand the right fat level for your dog.
Have you given thought to
BARF – Basic Ancestral Raw Food?
The best way to help your dog if it is suffering from pancreatitis or is being treated for pancreatitis is to feed it a balanced, species-appropriate food. And the best option is raw. A part of the wolf family (yes, even your sweet Lab or lap-sized Apso), your dog needs and will thrive only on a raw diet.
Raw food is a natural food and it contains the exact mix of all the nutrients and goodness that a dog would get if it were a wild creature. More importantly, it doesn’t have any low-quality protein that is not good for your dog.

You can make your own raw food in the right proportion, or you can buy commercially prepared raw food for your diet. Whatever you do, eliminate or limit the amount of bad protein from your dog’s diet. And watch your furry companion fight the illness better.