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Dehydrated Turkey Feet - 4pcs

Regular price Rs. 240.00
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Dehydrated Turkey Feet

Turkey Feet are a highly digestible treat. Dried to perfection for a natural dog chew. There are no artificial colourants, fragrances, flavours, preservatives or additives. These are a single high protein dog treat. Also packed with nutrition, the turkey feet gives your dog a great source of natural glucosamine, which helps to keep your dog’s joints healthy. The chewing action will also help to clean your dogs teeth.

We recommend supervision as the chews contain soft bone.

To prevent injury and choking hazards, please watch your pet while they enjoy this chew and be sure to give the appropriate size/amount.

  • Daily chew for light to medium chewers or use as a nutritional snack for power strength chewers!
  • Promotes healthy teeth and gums!
  • Turkey is rich in bone marrow, full of iron, stem cells and white blood cells!
  • Some dogs with food allergies have better reactions to turkey if they are allergic to chicken!

Excess tartar build-up causes bad breath, cavities, gingivitis, and can lead to expensive teeth scaling and ultimately extractions. When your dog chews on an uncooked bone, it helps to stimulate saliva which contains enzymes. Dog saliva helps prevent canine cavities. The slightly alkaline nature of dog saliva buffers the acids that are produced by some bacteria that are the cause of the enamel of the tooth being eroded away.


Bones as a natural Toothbrush:

Bones are a dog’s natural toothbrush – while being eaten, bones scrape your dog’s teeth helping to keep them clean. Eating the neck and tail bones of larger animals is a great teeth cleaning exercise due to the shape of these bones – while a dog is scraping out the meat between these bones, they are scraping their teeth against the bone. The same effect occurs when they eat through smaller bones like those from poultry and non-weight bearing bones from larger animals.

Uncooked bones can also be a fantastic source of minerals and other nutrients. Because bones are composed of calcium phosphate, a mineral that aids your dog’s proper growth, an uncooked bone can help a canine’s skeletal system to regenerate and adapt. In fact, the calcium in uncooked bones can be up to four times more digestible than most commonly available calcium supplements.

If your dog exhibits nervous behaviours like self-licking, biting and scratching, an uncooked raw bone can help divert his/her attention away from these destructive behaviours and promote a new, positive chewing habit. Or if your dog likes their food a little too much or needs to be distracted from your mealtime, let him chew on a bone. It helps satisfy your dog’s appetite and will allow you to enjoy your dinner in peace.


Bones and Digestion:

Bones also keep your dog’s stomach in good working order. It’s beneficial for his/her digestive tract as it offers a cleansing and scouring effect on his/her system. By providing extra roughage in your dog’s diet, they will be a lot more regular at potty time, and it’ll stimulate anal gland emptying. Completely digestible and perfectly natural, uncooked bones are an important part of their daily diet.

Your dog will love the bone’s yummy taste and the mental stimulation. Plus, all that chewing is a wonderful workout not only for your dog’s jaw muscles but their entire musculoskeletal system. Next time your dog is enjoying a bone, watch how their whole body is engaged in the activity – eating a bone is equivalent to doggie yoga.

In nature, dogs learn from their mothers how to tear and chew their food safely when they are about 3 to 4 weeks old as mothers will start to ween the litter. If puppies did not learn this from their mothers, you can teach your dog how to safely chew bones without gulping them by holding them and encouraging correct chewing. It is always a good idea to monitor your dog at mealtimes.


Turkey feet sourced from cage free turkeys raised on our own farms.

Feeding Instructions:

  • Feed 2-3 pieces daily as a healthy treat or as a training aid for your cat & dog.
  • Break into pieces for small dogs and always monitor your pet while treating.
  • Fresh drinking water should always be available.
  • This product is intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding only.
  • Always supervise your dog when feeding any treats or chews.

Storage & Handling

  • Store in a cool, dry place
  • Reseal after opening
  • Refrigerate to extend shelf life.
  • Store in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months from purchase
  • Do not allow to come in contact with water or any liquid
  • Keep away from direct heat and light